Bariatric Surgery Financing Options

The cost of bariatric surgery can be a discouraging factor for many patients who would otherwise greatly benefit from treatment. Many patients have found that the cost of expensive surgical procedures can be made affordable on any budget through medical tourism. We aim to make weight loss procedures available to even more patients with bariatric surgery financing options at Tijuana Bariatrics. The doctors have performed thousands of bariatric procedures and the support team has helped many patients find payment plans that allow them to achieve their treatment goals. If you have been considering weight loss surgery but have concerns about covering the cost of your care, please contact our bariatric surgery office in Tijuana, Mexico, to make an appointment with one of our financing specialists.

A Higher Standard of Care

The patients' safety and comfort is of the utmost importance to us. Blue Medical Tower is equipped with the latest technology and are held to the same high safety standards as hospitals as U.S. hospitals. The doctors have received specialized training in bariatrics and laparoscopic techniques which reduce recovery times and minimize the risk of complications. We are committed to exceeding the expectations of the patients and individualizing their treatment to help them live healthy, active lives.

Available Financing Options

Our commitment to finding affordable solutions for the patients' needs goes beyond lower surgical costs. We also offer a range of flexible financing options, including:

United Credit - We are the gateway to multiple funding options with very affordable interest rates and payment terms best suited for a variety of credit profiles. Our goal is simple: help more people get the loan they need. We actively cultivate and maintain positive, long-term relationships with multiple lenders so there are a variety of options for consumers when applying for financing. This means a better chance at approval for consumers. We provide choice, more access to and more options for consumers.

eMedical Financing Solutions - This company offers a comprehensive range of financing options for patients with various credit histories. eMedical Financing Solutions works with several large lending institutions, allowing them to approve a higher frequency of loans than companies that are tied to only one lender. They have several programs to finance bariatric procedures for patients with A, B, C, and D levels of credit.

Medicard®/iFinance Canada® - Medicard® offers flexible financing options for Canadian bariatric patients. The option offers quick and easy credit decisions, and can be used to finance your entire procedure or just a portion of it. Medicard® has gained a reputation for being the best financing option in Canada. It has helped hundreds of thousands of patients receive care that they otherwise would not have had immediate access to.

Citerra Finance - Citerra specializes in finding loan programs for bariatric patients from their dedicated network of lenders. They work with patients to find the very best rate and terms available to meet each patient's unique financial needs. They offer flexible repayment terms with a simple application process.

Additionally, we accept cash, cashier's check, and major credit cards including Visa®, Mastercard®, and Discover®. A team of financing specialists will help you determine which option is best-suited to your lifestyle and budget. 

Make a Financing Appointment

If you have been considering weight loss surgery to improve your health and appearance, but you are concerned with associated costs, please contact the office to schedule a financing consultation. The dedicated experts will help you find a plan that works well with your budget.

Florence Hospital

Tijuana Bariatrics

The network of physicians coordinating with Tijuana Bariatrics performs a wide range of services, including bariatric surgery. By choosing Tijuana Bariatrics, you can experience safe care from a board-certified surgeon in luxury accommodations.

For more information, fill out this online form or call (800) 308-3607 today.

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