Tijuana Bariatrics

Maintaining a Healthy Weight After Pregnancy: Helpful Tips

Mar 1, 2018 @ 10:55 AM — by info
Tagged with: Pregnancy Weight Loss Diet Exercise

Many women who undergo bariatric surgery go on to have children and become parents. The changes in your diet and eating habits can make pregnancy itself a little more challenging, yet the weight loss and healthy benefits of the surgery actually increase fertility rates. This is one of the reasons why patients come to our Tijuana, MX weight loss surgery center.

Many patients who ask pregnancy after bariatric surgery also wind up asking about losing weight after child birth. During pregnancy, women who’ve undergone bariatric surgery wind up consuming an extra 300 calories per day than they normally would. These extra calories go a long way toward helping your baby develop properly. A certain amount of weight gain is to be expected as a result. Let’s take a moment to offer some helpful tips for getting fit after having a baby.

Avoid Fad Diets and Cleanses

First off, avoid the urge to undergo a fad diet, a cleanse, or a crash diet. These diets may help with weight loss initially, but the weight will come back as soon as you go back to normal eating habits. These diets may also lead to nutritional deficiencies if you’re not careful. Aim for meaningful changes to your lifestyle and habits.

Eat Healthy Whole Foods

The staples of your diet after pregnancy should be whole foods, with an emphasis on vegetables and fruits. Look for lean sources of protein as well, and don’t forget to have healthy fatty acids in your diet. Savor your food while you’re eating to avoid stuffing yourself.

Stay Away from Sugar and Refined Carbs

Excess sugar, pasta, white breads, and other kinds of process or refined foods need to be avoided. These calories can add up over time. Look to whole grains and natural sugars, which taste better and are better for you.

Be Sure to Breastfeed

Believe it or not, breastfeeding can help women lose weight after pregnancy. In addition to helping with gradual weight loss, breastfeeding gives a baby much-needed nutrition, help build up a baby’s immune system, and allows a mother’s body to return to normal following childbirth.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration

Water is your friend. Hydrate regularly throughout the day. Water helps with normal body function, making sure you’re metabolizing everything properly. In addition, water can help you fight off hunger and prevent overeating.

Exercise Regularly

Eating is only half of the equation when it comes to weight loss. It’s important that you exercise regularly as well. Cardio, resistance training, and stretching will all be keys to shedding excess weight. Even a little extra walking each day can make a major difference in the long run.

Get a Full Night’s Rest (When Possible)

Taking care of a baby can be challenging, resulting in a few sleep-deprived nights. As your baby’s sleep schedule improves, you’ll be able to get more and more sleep. Be sure to get a full night’s rest when possible. Studies show that a lack of sleep can translate into weight gain.

Be Patient and Realistic with Yourself

Weight loss doesn’t happen all of a sudden. It takes time and work, much like raising a family. Be sure to be kind, patient, and realistic with yourself as you are trying to lose that excess weight. Don’t beat yourself up if it’s going slow, and don't be afraid to speak with your friends about what you’re going through.

Learn More About Staying Healthy and Losing Weight

For more information on losing weight and staying healthy, be sure to contact the team at Tijuana Bariatrics today. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters in much greater detail.