Tijuana Bariatrics

Carbs After Gastric Sleeve Surgery: What Patients Should Know

Oct 19, 2015 @ 09:24 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Carbs Diet Nutrition

Our weight loss surgeons have helped so many obese and morbidly obese patients achieve a trimmer and slimmer frame thanks to advanced weight loss surgery options. Their skills as bariatric surgeons have brought countless patients to Tijuana from across the border for gastric sleeve surgery and other surgical weight loss procedures.

After undergoing bariatric surgery, a patient's diet will change. Let's consider what kinds of carbs a patient can have after weight loss surgery.

Can I still have carbs after weight loss surgery?

Yes you can.

But just because you can doesn't mean you should indiscriminately have carbs with every meal, or any kinds of carbs. It's important that you consider what kinds of carbs your are consuming since some carbs will be better for you than others.

Not All Carbs Are Created Equal

Both complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates will cause a number of issues when it comes to your stomach after a gastric sleeve.

For one, complex carbohydrates (grains and starches) absorb water while they sit in your stomach, expanding in the process and potentially causes serious discomfort. Simple carbohydrates (sugars) will increase the chances of dumping syndrome, which can be quite uncomfortable.

And yet even though carbs aren't great for you after weight loss surgery, your body does need them.

Healthy Carbs Are Ideal

Fruits and vegetables are a good source of carbohydrates. These are the healthy carbs that you should be consuming rather than complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables will not cause you as much abdominal distress as complex and simple carbs. They also contain numerous vitamins and minerals that are crucial for good overall health and wellness.

In addition, fruits and vegetables are a versatile addition to your diet, able to be consumed raw or cooked. They're a fine source of fiber as well.

Avoid Unhealthy Carbs

As you are consuming healthy carbs to meet your body's daily needs, it's a good idea in general for you to avoid unhealthy simple carbohydrates as much as possible. That means staying away from candy and junkfood that is just plain bad for you.

Your Diet Will Mostly Be High in Protein

After undergoing bariatric surgery of any kind, your primary concern will be consuming a healthy and protein-rich diet. In the early stages after surgery, the protein will help with faster healing that is free from complications. After full recovery, the protein you consume will help with protein synthesis and prevent protein breakdown in the body. In other words, a protein-rich diet will help your body function properly as you are losing weight.

Discuss These Matters with a Skilled Bariatric Surgeon

The challenges that weight loss surgery patients face after surgery are real, but they are also worthwhile. In order to discuss all of these issues in more detail and get a realistic understanding about the pros and cons of weight loss surgery, it's important to meet with a bariatric surgeon for a consultation. We'll be more than happy to answer your questions and help you lose weight and eat right after surgery.

Learn More About Weight Loss Surgery

If you are interested in weight loss surgery and would like to learn more about your surgical options, be sure to contact our weight loss surgery center today.