Tijuana Bariatrics

As a Gastric Sleeve Patient, Why Do I Get Hiccups After Eating?

Aug 30, 2015 @ 08:29 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Side Effects Hiccups

Our Tijuana weight loss surgery clinic attracts many patients from over the border given the high level of quality care that we provide. This is particularly true thanks to the results that we achieve through gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy), which is both low maintenance and highly effective.

Even things that are good for you can have some unexpected side effects. With that in mind, let's find out why some weight loss surgery patients complain of hiccups after the procedure has been performed.

Hiccups Are Often a Bit of a Mystery

You may experience a case of the hiccups after having a drink or two, or it may come about spontaneously at some point of the day and last a few minutes. These spasms of the diaphragm can come about for various reasons, and while they are not serious, they can be annoying. This is especially true when they occur frequently, which is oddly something that happens to a number of bariatric surgery patients.

This goes for weight loss surgery patients who have undergone gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and even gastric banding.

Why Hiccups Might Occur After Bariatric Surgery

While hiccups can be mysterious even for bariatric surgery patients, there has been some suggestion that eating too quickly or eating too much is often what causes hiccups in these instances. This is not always the case for all patients, but it's a common thread among the many complaints of hiccups after weight loss surgery.

With that in mind, there are some good ways of preventing hiccups and getting rid of them. No, we don't mean having a friend scare you or saying the alphabet backwards while rubbing your ear lobes (though if that helps, go ahead and try it!), but some simple things to consider with regard to your new lifestyle after surgery has been performed.

Slow Down While Eating and Avoid Overeating

After you have undergone weight loss surgery, be sure to eat your food slowly. Savor your food, chew thoroughly, and really enjoy each meal. This will allow you to realize that you are full and avoid overeating. Simply by slowing down and really enjoying what you're eating, you can actually avoid a number of different issues associated with weight loss surgery.

Pay Attention to What Triggers Your Hiccups

If you notice frequent cases of hiccups, retrace your steps and try to pinpoint what's common with each case of hiccups. Is it overeating? Is it eating too fast? Is it something that you ate. Since you'll want to pay attention to your body's needs more often after bariatric surgery, this is very helpful to consider.

Other Tips to Consider After Gastric Sleeve

We've stressed countless times on this blog that weight loss surgery entails a change to your lifestyle and that it's a difficult transition for a while but ultimately a change for the better. That's why we will be more than happy to offer tips for what to expect after bariatric surgery, including advice on diet and exercise as well as other matters. It's part of the way that we ensure all of our patients are healthy and happy as well.

Learn More About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

To learn more about gastric sleeve surgery and why it may be the best option for you and your needs, it's important that you contact our weight loss surgery center today.