Tijuana Bariatrics

What Can Cause Gastric Sleeve to Fail?

Feb 17, 2015 @ 09:26 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Complications

Patients who visit Tijuana Bariatrics routinely achieve excellent results through gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy), an effective weight loss surgery option. There is the potential, however, that a gastric sleeve may fail. We'd like to go over the basics of these matters right now.

How common is gastric sleeve failure?

Gastric sleeve is less invasive and complicated than gastric bypass surgeries, which makes gastric sleeve safer and less prone to total failure or serious complications. Modern surgical techniques and sterilization methods have made the surgery much safer than it was in previous years as well.

Event though the chance of failure is low, it is possible for the gastric sleeve to fail, both in terms of overall surgical effectiveness as well as long-term weight loss results. Patients should be aware of these potential complications prior to the surgery being performed so they have realistic expectations about the procedure.

Common Causes of Sleeve Gastrectomy Failure

Some potential causes of sleeve gastrectomy failure include:

What Patients Can Do to Prevent Gastric Sleeve Failure

There are many things patients can do to ensure success of gastric sleeve surgery and long-term weight loss. We recommend the following:

How Our Surgical Team Prevents Gastric Sleeve Failure

In order to ensure success, our team always provides patients with ample information about pre-op and post-op concerns. This allows patients to understand the nature of gastric sleeve surgery and what they should expect.

Our team of doctors take great care with surgery, checking the revised stomach pouch thoroughly and multiple times to avoid leakage and other potential problems. Patients are closely looked after in the early days of surgical healing in order to prevent complications and achieve the best possible surgical results.

Options for Revision and Correction Surgery

If you do encounter issues with your gastric sleeve procedure, our bariatric surgeons can perform bariatric surgery revision procedures to address complications and promote weight loss. These revision options can be discussed in greater detail during your consultation.

Contact Tijuana Bariatrics Today

For more information about gastric sleeve surgery and how it can help you achieve a healthier and more ideal weight and body mass, be sure to contact our weight loss surgery center today. At Tijuana Bariatrics, we will work with you to ensure that you can have a healthier life going forward.