Tijuana Bariatrics

Keys to Understanding a Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost in Mexico

Nov 15, 2023 @ 11:05 AM — by info
Tagged with: Tijuana Medical Tourism Medical Tourism In Tijuana Weight Loss Surgery Mexico

Losing weight through surgery? For some, this can be an extreme measure. Still, others have seen firsthand that this is the best way to lose weight effectively and permanently. If you have someone close to you who struggles with being overweight or obese or even if you have this condition, you have surely realized that losing weight is not as easy as many think. It is therefore worth considering the following question: Is it worth the gastric sleeve surgery cost in Mexico?  


Gastric sleeve surgery cost Mexico: The cost of obesity, are there reasons to consider it?

Before evaluating which is the best method to lose weight, it is important to consider the reason to lose weight. Obesity is a condition that can affect anyone, whether children or adults, women, or men. It is considered obesity when the weight is greater than healthy for a certain height and excess body fat is acquired. In general, BMI is the indicator that measures the relationship between weight and height. 

When a person’s BMI is greater than 25 it is considered overweight. On the other hand, when it exceeds 30 it is classified as obesity. But shouldn't every person accept their body as it is? While it is true that every person needs to develop self-love, it must be well-focused. It is also true that food can cause pleasure or a sense of well-being. Yet, having an unhealthy weight can have serious effects on a person’s quality of life. 

In the vast majority of cases, obesity can take its toll forcing a person to suffer from or develop:


What is a gastric sleeve surgery cost in Mexico?

Gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is a surgery that is based on a restrictive method, that is, the size of the stomach is reduced up to 85%. In this way, the size of the portions of food that can be eaten is significantly reduced, and the type of food consumed is induced to be healthier and more selective. Thus, achieving great loss of excess weight is not only successful but constant and permanent. 

If it is so effective, why is gastric sleeve surgery not a priority option for some? Unfortunately, most countries’ health insurance institutions, either public or private, do not consider weight loss surgeries a basic health issue. So, if you want to undergo a bariatric procedure you must pay for it out of your own pocket or get financing. In addition, the gastric sleeve cost (or any other bariatric procedure) will depend on the country, type of medical assistance, place where it is performed, and even the bariatric surgeon. 

For example, in countries that have a high cost of living such as the United States, gastric sleeve surgery can range from $ 12,000 to $ 20,000 depending on the location. While the gastric sleeve surgery cost in Mexico ranges from $ 4,000 to $ 5,500 USD. But why is there such a significant difference in costs? Primarily, it is due to medical tourism, which offers high-quality medical services at an affordable price, especially for foreigners. 


Gastric sleeve surgery cost Mexico: costs vs benefits Is it really worth it? 

Obesity is often related to poor eating habits or behavior patterns that have been acquired since childhood. While in other cases it is also related to both physical and mental illnesses. However, a set of several factors makes people gain weight more easily and have serious difficulties in losing it. Yet, weight loss surgery in Mexico is a method that serves as a bridge between bad habits and new healthy lifestyle habits. 

When you choose Tijuana Bariatrics, the first step is to identify the causes of obesity and review your unique medical history through a free virtual consultation. Then, a bariatric specialist will determine a personalized plan to help you lose weight effectively. In addition to weight loss surgery, our experts will ensure you can integrate a healthy diet, an exercise routine, and a follow-up guided by specialists if necessary. 

From the first months, gastric sleeve patients begin to experience benefits such as the following:


Lose weight effectively through bariatric surgery in Mexico

To put it plainly, both undergoing a gastric sleeve procedure and not undergoing it can incur costs. However, the expense of obesity extends beyond monetary considerations and adversely impacts the quality of life for individuals affected by it. Consequently, for many people, opting for bariatric surgery is seen as an investment that yields lifelong benefits rather than merely a financial burden. The most chosen and proven successful bariatric surgeries are gastric sleeve and gastric bypass.

Would you like to know which is the best option for you? Then, please don't hesitate to contact our bariatric specialist right now by submitting this brief form or call (800) 303 3607. Get all the information you need about bariatric surgeries and the details about a gastric sleeve surgery cost in Mexico with our all-inclusive weight loss surgery packages. Discover the incredible benefits of choosing Tijuana Bariatrics, a world-class medical facilitator company that provides the best bariatric surgeons at first-class facilities.