Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Sleeve for Older Patients

Jun 30, 2020 @ 12:31 PM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve

Obesity has a tremendous negative impact on health and your overall quality of life. Gastric sleeve surgery is a popular weight loss option for individuals who have difficulty keeping weight off.

At Tijuana Bariatrics in Tijuana, MX, our doctors routinely perform gastric sleeve surgery with great success. But what about gastric sleeve for older patients? Is it safe? In this informative blog post, our team discusses this topic and explores the risks and benefits of weight loss surgery for older individuals.

Gastric Sleeve: A Quick Overview

Gastric sleeve surgery is less invasive than gastric bypass. To perform the procedure, your surgeon creates small incisions in the abdomen, then uses laparoscopic instruments to remove part of the stomach. The remaining section, which resembles a tube or a sleeve, is much smaller, and therefore restricts food intake.

Gastric Sleeve vs. Gastric Bypass: Which is Safer for Older Patients?

Gastric sleeve surgery is considered safer than gastric bypass for older individuals. It is also more effective compared to gastric banding and results in fewer adverse symptoms and post-surgical complications.

Generally, gastric sleeve surgery is recommended for individuals with a BMI of at least 40. In other words, you are at least 100 pounds over your goal weight.

What Does the Research Say?

In 2011, Digestive Disease Week conducted a research study regarding bariatric surgery in older individuals. Experts analyzed data on over 48,000 adults who had undergone weight loss surgery between 2005 and 2009, all of whom had a BMI of at least 35. During that time, the number of senior adults who had bariatric surgery more than doubled.

Data showed that seniors over the age of 65 were not at any greater risk than younger patients when it came to having a major adverse reaction to weight loss surgery. The only identifiable difference was that patients over 65 are more likely to require longer hospital stays.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve for Older Patients

There are several benefits that weight loss surgery can offer older patients. In addition to improving their overall health, quality of life is dramatically enhanced. Bariatric surgery makes it possible for patients to enjoy things they could not previously enjoy. Imagine the difference weight loss surgery can make when individuals can fly on a plane or stand on their feet for longer. Even vacationing with family suddenly becomes easier and less stressful. Learn more about this procedure at our practice.

Are There Risks?

As with any surgical procedure, there are always risks of gastric sleeve surgery. Some of these include:

As aforementioned, older patients do not have a higher risk of these complications.

Contact Our Practice to Learn More

Gastric sleeve surgery is an excellent weight loss option for patients of all ages. Individuals well into their 70s can still benefit from this procedure. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation at our Tijuana practice, contact us online.