Tijuana Bariatrics

Will I Have Excess Skin After Gastric Sleeve?

Nov 2, 2019 @ 06:05 PM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Surgery Cosmetic Surgery

The gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) has helped countless patients struggling with obesity lose excess weight safely. The procedure is simple and effective, and has been gaining in popularity over the years. After undergoing gastric sleeve at our Tijuana, Mexico bariatric surgery center, patients will notice major weight loss. They will also notice loose skin, which is normal but can be off-putting.

The surgeons at Tijuana Bariatrics would like to discuss why loose skin is present after major weight loss. We’ll then go over options for removing this unwanted skin and improving your body contour.

What Happens to Your Skin After Weight Loss

As you gain weight, your skin expands to accommodate your body’s added mass. This is the body’s natural response to weight gain. When you lose that weight, however, your skin is not guaranteed to shrink back all the way. Some of your skin may shrink back to your slimmer frame, but most of it will hang loose.

Loose skin will generally be situated around areas where the most excess weight was lost, particularly the abdominal region, the flanks, the thighs, the upper arms, and even parts of the face and neck.

Are There Health Risks to Having Excess Skin?

There are usually no major health risks associated with this loose skin. Sometimes the loose skin can contribute to irritation, rashes, and possible inflammation or infections, but proper hygiene and moisturizing can mitigate these matters.

The loose skin is more of a cosmetic issue. Patients typically feel self-conscious about wearing certain clothes that reveal this loose skin and stretch marks. The loose skin can lead to bulges of tissue when hidden by clothing, which appear unnatural and off-putting. It’s something we discuss during the consultation process here at Tijuana Bariatrics.

How Can I Get Rid of Excess Skin After Weight Loss?

The only way to get rid of this excess skin after weight loss is to undergo cosmetic surgery. A total body lift is ideal in such situations. This procedure removes loose and drooping skin from different problem areas of the body following major weight loss. By doing so, patients experience a much slimmer, trimmer, and more proportionate body contour without so much loose skin.

What Are Body Lift Surgeries Like?

Body lift surgeries are combinations of individual body contouring and skin tightening procedures. While each body lift is customized to the patient, some of the most common procedures performed during a body lift include:

Thanks to the procedures, the excess skin can be removed and patients can experience a much more proportionate frame and body contour.

When Should I Undergo Cosmetic Surgery for Excess Skin?

Timing for a post-weight loss body lift is crucial. Generally, patients will undergo a body lift a year or two after their bariatric surgery. In essence, patients need to achieve maximum weight loss through gastric sleeve first before the surgery is performed.

During the consultation process and through follow-up care, our team can discuss timing for a body lift surgery and what you should keep in mind when it comes to the procedure.

Contact Our Weight Loss Surgeons

For more information about weight loss and what to expect after surgery, be sure to contact a skilled bariatric surgeon.