Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Scars: What to Expect

Jun 17, 2019 @ 07:45 PM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Scars Recovery

If you want to lose weight and look great, we recommend considering gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy). This restrictive weight loss procedure limits the amount of calories you can consume in a single sitting to promote lasting weight loss. The gastric sleeve is one of the most popular bariatric surgery options at our Tijuana, Mexico surgical weight loss center.

A number of people have asked us about scarring after gastric sleeve surgery. Let’s go over how the procedure is performed. We’ll then offer advice on what can be done to limit post-surgical scarring.

Where Are Surgical Incisions Placed?

During a gastric sleeve, the nature and location of the scars depends on the type of surgery performed.

Are the Post-Surgical Scars Visible?

For traditional laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery, the small scars are slightly visible, but they fade significantly over time. They will be hard to detect as they fade.

With single-incision gastric sleeves, the scar is completely hidden inside of the belly button. This makes surgical scarring practically undetectable.

How Long Does It Take for Scars to Fade?

As with most surgical recoveries, scars after surgery will usually start to fade over the course of a few months. More significant fading will occur as the years go by.

Follow Post-Op Instructions Carefully

In order to prevent excessive scarring, it’s important that patients follow all instructions for follow-up care closely. The Tijuana Bariatrics team will provide detailed instructions on hygiene, sun exposure, diet, and physical activity. These will avoid major complications and help ensure the incisions heal and begin to fade sooner rather than later.

Do Not Pick Scabs or Scratch Incision Sites

To avoid visible scars, it’s crucial that patients not pick or scratch their incision sites. Allow scabs to form and fall off on their own after surgery.

Keep the Surgical Area Clean

Proper hygiene after surgery helps prevent infection. Be sure to change surgical dressings as directed, and following bathing and showering instructions in those first weeks after surgery.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking slows down the healing process and makes infections more likely. Consider the bariatric surgery a good excuse to kick the habit for good. It’s a healthy new beginning to a healthier you.

Stay Hydrated

Dry skin can make scarring and skin damage worse. That’s why it’s so important to stay hydrated. Drink water between meals, and avoid caffeine, alcohol, and other substances that cause dehydration.

Moisturize After Showers

On the note of hydration, it’s a good idea to moisturize after showers and baths. This will help you skin remain supple and healthy, and help fight scarring as well as signs of advanced age.

Avoid Sun Exposure

The sun’s UV rays can damage the skin, leading to visible scars and other flaws. In order to prevent these issues, be sure to use sunblock when you’re outdoors.

Should I Consider Professional Scar Revision Treatment?

If there are scarring issues after your gastric sleeve, the team at Tijuana Bariatrics can help. We can discuss professional scar revision therapies with you, and also suggest non-invasive treatments available over-the-counter at your local drugstore.

Learn More About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

For more information about post-op scarring and looking your best after a surgical weight loss procedure, be sure to contact our skilled bariatric surgeons and weight loss experts.