Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Bypass Pre-op Instructions

Sep 2, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by info
Tagged with: Bariatric Surgery

When most people complain about excess weight, they are concerned about the way that it affects their physical appearance. However, obese individuals realize that being severely overweight can have much more serious consequences. When a person is obese, they are at an increased risk for a number of dangerous medical conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Additionally, being obese can interfere with physical capabilities. It can be especially challenging to exercise when you are severely overweight, making the battle to lose weight even more difficult.

Gastric bypass surgery promotes dramatic, long-term weight loss by dividing the stomach into two smaller pouches. This procedure limits the amount of food that can be eaten, and minimizes the nutrients (and calories) that are absorbed by the body.

Prior to performing gastric bypass surgery, our surgeons want to ensure that their patients are well prepared for treatment. Here, we go over the gastric bypass pre-op instructions that will prepare our Tijuana, Mexico patients for a safe and successful surgical treatment.

In the Months and Weeks before Surgery

It is important for patients to take all the steps necessary to ensure they are physically and mentally prepared for surgery. Although gastric surgery allows patients to lose a large amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time, those results can be compromised if the patient is not prepared to follow through with imperative lifestyle changes. The best way to prepare for gastric bypass surgery is to begin to adapt these changes in the months leading up to treatment.

Below are some important pre-op steps for gastric bypass patients:

In the Days before Surgery

After surgery, the patient will need plenty of time to rest and recover, so it is important to prepare for recovery in the days leading up to treatment. Patients should take care of the following tasks in the days prior to surgery:

The Day of Surgery

The day of surgery, we want patients to feel as relaxed as possible, so hopefully all prep work will be taken care of by this point. Patients should avoid eating or drinking anything on the day of their surgery (starting at midnight the night before). We advise patients to show up in loose, comfortable clothing, and leave all jewelry or other valuables at home. The face should be free of make-up and the body should be free of cosmetics such as lotion and perfume. Be sure to arrive a little early to the appointment so that any last-minute concerns can be addressed.

Contact Us

Our experienced weight loss surgeons have helped many patients overcome obesity through bariatric surgery. If you are interested in learning more about gastric bypass surgery and whether you may be a candidate for this procedure, contact us at your earliest convenience.