Tijuana Bariatrics

Why You Should Quit Smoking After Bariatric Surgery

Jul 1, 2016 @ 02:40 PM — by info
Tagged with: Smoking Healthy Habits Bariatric Surgery

Here at Tijuana Bariatrics, we've always considered the long-term post-surgical recovery just as important as the weight loss procedure itself. Developing healthy habits after weight loss surgery is one of the best ways to keep excessive eight off, increase your life expectancy, and avoid serious health issues down the road.

With that in mind, we want to turn our attention to smoking. It's one of the least healthiest things a person can do, and it can put your life at risk after bariatric surgery. Let's consider some of the important benefits of quitting cigarettes and tobacco products after weight loss procedures.

Smoking Has Many Negative Effects on Health

We all know that smoking can have a negative impact on your health and wellness. Smokers often experience issues with lung disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, and different kinds of cancers.

It should come as no surprise, then, that smoking after weight loss surgery can have a negative overall impact on wellness. In addition to the above health problems, there are other compelling reasons why you should not smoke after you have undergone a bariatric procedure of any kind.

Smoking and Its Effects on Surgical Recovery

Smoking has been linked to poor wound recovery, increased infection risk, and a host of other problems with regard to post-surgical healing. In order to prevent issues with infection and slow healing times, it's best for patients to avoid tobacco products after their procedure has been performed. This is imperative in those early weeks of recovery.

Post-Surgical Complications Related to Smoking

Some of the most common complications linked to smoking after bariatric surgery include the following:

While blood clots are rare after weight loss surgery, it's important that patients note that blood clots are a leading cause of death for the small number of fatalities linked to bariatric surgery. Rather than smoke and increase your risk of serious harm, avoid tobacco products and focus on your health.

Patients Should Avoid Smoking Before Bariatric Surgery

In fact, sometimes preparing for healing is part of the recovery process. Since tobacco products can have a negative impact on general wellness as well as surgical recovery, it's best for patients to avoid tobacco products for several weeks heading into their surgery. This will help your body prepare for the procedure and process out as much of the harmful substances related to tobacco products.

Surgical Weight Loss Should Be About Total Wellness

We've stressed time and time again that bariatric surgery isn't just about losing weight but achieving total wellness. The weight loss helps clear the path toward a healthier you, and you should use this opportunity to improve various aspects of your lifestyle. This means eating better, exercising more, and eliminating bad habits that could put your life at risk.

Getting the Help You Need

We know that kicking the habit is a major challenge, but thankfully there are many resources out there for people who want to quit smoking for good. We'd be more than happy to discuss these with you and put you in touch with people who can help. This is an important part of total wellness, and a key choice when it comes to the healthy living that bariatric procedures promote.

Contact the Team at Tijuana Bariatrics

For more information about bariatric surgery and how it can help you become healthier, be sure to contact our team of weight loss surgery specialists today. The team at Tijuana Bariatrics will work closely with you to help promote overall wellness.