Tijuana Bariatrics

How to Prevent Complications and Reduce Side Effects After Bariatric Surgery

Apr 20, 2016 @ 03:45 PM — by info
Tagged with: Bariatric Surgery

Our leading bariatric surgeons attract countless people to our Tijuana weight loss surgery practice because of our reputation for excellent results. Not only do we take great care considering the surgical procedure, but we also offer insight into bariatric surgery side effects and the long-term goal of wellness.

We'd like to look at the issue of side effects and complications, and some ways that these can both be managed.

Side Effects Are a Natural Part of Healing

Let's be clear about our terms. Side effects are a natural part of the recovery process and a sign that your body is healing. Side effects are temporary, and patients will notice side effects improve steadily as the days and weeks go by.

Complications Are Signs of Serious Problems

Complications, on the other hand, are serious issues. When side effects to not improve or seem to be extreme pronounced, this could be a sign of a medical problem that is not part of regular recovery and healing. Complications need to be addressed as soon as possible, particularly after a weight loss surgery.

Follow Your Pre-Op Instructions Closely

Healing often begins before the first incision is made. Doctors provide patients with detailed pre-op instructions. These per-op instructions prepare patients for the surgery and the healing process to come. By avoiding smoking, alcoholic beverages, certain medications, and so forth, patients are able to be in the best health possible to ensure a speedier recovery free from problems.

Ease Into Your New Diet After Surgery

After weight loss surgery, patients have to slowly transition from a liquid diet to solid foods. This process takes weeks. While recovering, the best option to avoid pain and complications is to ease into your new diet and take things slow. Savor your food, chew thoroughly, and allow yourself to get used to the new sensations your body may be feeling.

Be Careful About Physical Activity After Surgery

After surgery, your bariatric surgeon will often recommend walking around if you can. This will help promote blood circulation as you heal, and avoid blood clots in the legs and other potential complications. This very light physical activity is crucial for easing side effects and helping them disappear sooner.

However, certain physical activities should be avoided until your surgeon says otherwise. This is particularly important for squatting or bending over, heavy lifting, sexual activity, and so forth.

No Smoking: It's Just Common Sense

Smoking is awful for your health. Tobacco products make you more prone to infection and more likely to experience difficult or prolonged recovery. Just kick the habit. Your body will thank you for it.

Pain Medication Can Help with Discomfort

Pain after surgery is a given, which is why we encourage patients to use recommended pain relievers as directed if the discomfort is very pronounced.

Attend Follow-Up Visits as Scheduled

You will have some follow-up visits and checkups after your bariatric procedure to help make sure you are healing properly. Be sure to attend all of these follow-ups, and to report any issues or concerns you may have as they arise.

How We Help Ensure Fast, Problem-Free Recovery

The first few days after bariatric surgery are critical for success and preventing complications. Our team uses state-of-the-art technology for medical monitoring as the patient stays overnight in the hospital. With nearby accommodations and a private driver, patients can recover without worrying about major travel hassle to and from the practice for follow-up care.

We also give patients ample post-op instructions and tips. These will help with the immediate recovery process, and they will also make a major difference for long-term weight loss and wellness.

Speak with Our Bariatric Surgeons About Weight Loss

For more information about preventing post-surgical complications and easing the side effects experienced after your procedure, be sure to contact our weight loss surgery practice today. Our team will help you heal fully and properly.