Tijuana Bariatrics

Can Gallbladder Problems and Gallstones Occur After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Sep 18, 2015 @ 09:15 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Gallbladder

Our Tijuana weight loss surgery center is an excellent place to go for your bariatric surgery needs. Using state-of-the-art equipment and advanced techniques, we can safely ensure that you lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle moving forward.

Many times we recommend gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy) to help with weight loss because of its many advantages. All surgeries carry a degree of risk, of course. With that in mind, let's take a moment to consider gallstones and gallbladder disease, which is associated with obesity as well as bariatric surgery.

Gallbladder Problems Associated with Obesity

People who are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese are more likely to suffer from gallbladder disease than people who are of a more ideal body mass. This include issues with infection or inflammation of the gallbladder, as well as gallstones. Noting the latter, gallstones are an issue for people who suffer from high cholesterol, which poses a significant risk to overall wellness.

Is gastric sleeve helpful for treating gallbladder issues?

Yes, it can be helpful in the long run since the procedure helps patients lose weight and achieve a more ideal body mass.

However, there is also a chance of gallbladder issues after weight loss surgery, which patients need to take vary seriously.

Can gallbladder problems occur after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery?

Yes, and it's something that patients need to keep in mind.

Rapid weight loss can cause gallstone formation. Since weight loss surgery patients lose weight in an accelerated fashion, there is a chance of gallstones and gallbladder disease within the first two years after bariatric surgery.

How common are gallbladder issues after weight loss surgery?

Studies vary, but in general, around one-quarter of people who undergo weight loss surgery will develop gallstones as a result of the rapid weight loss and the nature of the procedure. Patients should be mindful of any signs or symptoms of gallstones.

Symptoms and Signs of Gallbladder Disease

Common signs and symptoms of gallstones include the following:

Treatment Options for Gallbladder Issues

The most common treatment for gallbladder disease is surgery, often involving the removal of the gallbladder itself. The procedure is relatively simple and routine, meaning that it is low risk overall. Your general practitioner will be able to discuss the nature of the surgery with you in greater detail during the consultation.

Keep Your Mind on Enhancing Your Lifestyle

Don't think of gallstones or gallbladder disease as a setback on your road to wellness. Just note that it is something that may occur and that there are simple treatments to consider that can address your needs.

We will be more than happy to go over all of the risks and benefits associated with the aftermath of bariatric surgery so you know what to expect and how you can maintain good health going forward.

Learn More About Your Weight Loss Surgery Options

If you would like more information about gastric sleeve surgery and how it can improve your general health and wellness, be sure to contact our weight loss surgery center today. Our team will help ensure that you receive excellent care and achieve a healthier body mass.