Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Sleeve and BMI Requirements

Jun 16, 2015 @ 09:54 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Bmi

When patients come to Tijuana Bariatrics, they know that they will receive all the information they need to make smart decisions about bariatric procedures. Careful guidance throughout the treatment process is crucial for successful treatment and patient satisfaction.

Gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) is a very effective and popular option for surgical weight loss. Many patients wonder if there is a body mass index (BMI) requirement for the procedure. Let's consider these matters in more detail right now.

About Body Mass Index (BMI)

The body mass index (BMI) is a ratio that takes into account your height and your weight in order to determine if you are in an ideal weight range. An ideal weight range is typically in the 18.5 to 25 range. A BMI between 25.1 to 30 would signal that you are overweight. A BMI greater than 30 means that you are obese. The higher the number, the greater the degree of your obesity.

There are some flaws with BMI to consider since some people may be in great health but are considered overweight by this ratio. For instance, if you are an athlete with a lot of muscle mass, your BMI might be in the overweight or even the obese range. This is why there are other metrics to consider when assessing your overall health.

That said, athletes are an anomaly and not like most of the regular population, which is why BMI is still a good measure in general for assessing wellness and weight.

What BMI is common for weight loss surgery?

In order to qualify for weight loss surgery such as gastric sleeve, it's generally common for patients to be in the obese range, with a BMI greater than 30. It's rare for patients to undergo bariatric surgery if their BMI is under 30.

Other Factors to Consider Beyond BMI

In addition to the patient's BMI, candidacy for surgery will depend on other factors that can affect health and wellness. This includes issues with hypertension, diabetes, a risk of heart disease, or issues with joint health.

Multiple health and wellness matters will be taken into account during the consultation process.

Is gastric sleeve surgery right for me?

If you are struggling with obesity or morbid obesity and have been unable to lose weight through natural means, then gastric sleeve surgery might be a good option for you to consider. Generally your doctor will be able to make a recommendation based on your health and wellness, particularly if you suffer from hypertension and/or diabetes and run a risk of a more serious health problem occurring if you do not lose weight in a timely manner.

Other Options for Weight Loss to Consider

For patients who are overweight but not obese, there are many non-surgical options for weight loss. These include regular exercise, changes in your diet, and other ways of improving your overall lifestyle and living habits. These can be discussed with your general practitioner during a checkup.

Schedule a Consultation at Our Bariatric Surgery Center

To learn more about gastric sleeve surgery and your many other options for safe bariatric weight loss, it's important that you contact our weight loss surgery center today. The entire team here looks forward to your visit and helping you make the best choices about losing weight and enhancing your health and wellness.