Tijuana Bariatrics

Fertility, Pregnancy, and Childbirth After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

May 28, 2015 @ 10:55 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Fertility Pregnancy

When patients visit Tijuana Bariatrics, they receive all the information they need to make a smart decision about their health and wellness. Our team of weight loss surgery specialists take great care when addressing issues about gastric sleeve surgery and other surgical weight loss options.

While patients can expect to be healthier after gastric sleeve is performed, there is also a chance that their fertility may be improved. Let's consider issues related to fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth in a bit more detail right now.

Gastric Sleeve Can Improve Your Fertility

Studies have found that infertility issues related to obesity and morbid obesity can be addressed through healthy weight loss. For instance, many obese women have issues with ovulation and their cycle related to their obesity. Studies have found that roughly 70% of obese women who underwent bariatric surgery had an improved cycle and normal ovulation.

Gastric Sleeve Can Reduce Pregnancy Complications in Obese Women

When an obese woman becomes pregnant, she faces a number of potential health issues as a result of her health and wellness. This includes the following health and wellness conditions:

Thanks to bariatric surgery procedures such as gastric sleeve, the weight loss experienced will reduce the possibility of these issues occurring as a result of pregnancy.

It's Important to Wait After Surgery Before Attempting to Have a Baby

A person's body goes through some dramatic changes after bariatric surgery is performed. This rapid weight loss and major adjustment in lifestyle could potentially have a negative impact on a developing baby, which is why it's important to wait at least 18 months after gastric sleeve surgery to attempt to have a child. This is a conservative and cautious estimate.

Issues Regarding Nutrition While Pregnant

An important concern when it comes to pregnancy is proper nutrition and a healthy diet. Because of the changes in eating habits and certain limitations in your diet, it's very important that you eat right and properly while pregnant to prevent any health issues or nutritional deficiencies in your child.

In those early visits with your OB/GYN, be sure to let him or her know that you have undergone weight loss surgery so that a good diet plan can be created to meet your needs and the needs of the baby.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Will Not Affect Your Ability to Breastfeed

Weight loss surgery will not affect your ability to breastfeed your baby. Issues regarding your nutrition will need to be considered given your diet, but with careful consideration of what you eat, you and your child should be generally fine.

Discuss Your Concerns with Your Doctor

If you have any further questions about fertility and pregnancy after weight loss surgery, it's of the utmost importance that you discuss them with your doctor. He or she will be able to go over these matters in greater detail and help you make the best decisions with regard to your overall health and wellness. Our team can similarly provide some pointers when it comes to these matters.

Learn More About Gastric Sleeve at Tijuana Bariatrics

For more information about gastric sleeve surgery and how it can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle overall, be sure to contact our weight loss surgery center today. The team here at Tijuana Bariatrics will help you make the best choices when it comes to your weight loss surgery options.