Tijuana Bariatrics

Can Gastric Sleeve Improve Heart Health?

Mar 17, 2015 @ 10:44 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Heart Disease

All of our bariatric surgeons take great pride in helping patients at our Tijuana-based weight loss surgery center. Patients from San Diego, Southern California, and throughout the region visit the practice in order to undergo gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy), a safe and low-maintenance weight loss option.

A number of people who are interested in procedures like the gastric sleeve suffer from heart conditions or are at risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Let's look at how gastric sleeve can have a positive impact on the health of your heart.

How Gastric Sleeve Improves Overall Wellness

When you undergo a gastric sleeve, you will be consuming fewer calories each day. This means rapid and yet safe weight loss early on after the surgery has been performed. Gastric sleeve has allowed countless patients reach a more ideal weight, and in doing so improve their general wellness. When weight loss cannot be achieved naturally or there is a pressing health problem related to weight, gastric sleeve is a great option to consider.

The Effects of Gastric Sleeve on Heart Health

The American Heart Association notes that losing weight is a great way to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke in those who are obese. Losing weight lowers the workload of your heart when it comes to pumping blood, and it helps reduce the risk of fat in your bloodstream forming plaque on the arterial walls and clogging your arteries. Blood pressure will go down as a result, meaning fewer issues with health problems related to hypertension.

In addition, losing weight means the levels of good cholesterol in your blood (HDL) will increase while the bad cholesterol (LDL) will decrease. Chances of blood clots will continue to diminish as patients achieve good overall health.

Other Ways That Gastric Sleeve Improves Overall Health

Studies have found that losing weight through bariatric surgery has also been able to help patients manage their diabetes, reduce stress and strain on their back and other joints, and even avoid developing various kinds of cancers down the road.

In essence, risk factors for illnesses as you age go down while overall wellness and life quality goes up thanks to gastric sleeve and other kinds of bariatric procedures.

Weight Loss Surgery Needs to Be Paired with Smart Lifestyle Choices

Keep in mind that the gastric surgery alone isn't enough to address all of your health problems. Patients need to eat healthy and exercise regularly to maximize the effects of gastric sleeve surgery. It's all about shifting into a healthier lifestyle, and for many people, the bariatric surgery procedure is the first important step.

Is gastric sleeve surgery right for me?

Gastric sleeve surgery may be an ideal option for you and your needs, though that needs to be determined during a consultation at our practice. During this consultation, you'll receive answers to all of the questions you have regarding surgical weight loss options, allowing you to make a confident, well-informed decision.

Schedule a Consultation Our Doctors

For more information about gastric sleeve surgery and how it can help you achieve better overall health and wellness, be sure to contact our bariatric surgery center today. The team at Tijuana Bariatrics will be more than happy to answer your questions and address your concerns.