Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Sleeve: Tips for Long-Term Weight Loss Surgery Success

Sep 29, 2014 @ 09:08 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve

More and more people are coming to our bariatric surgery center in Tijuana to learn about their options for losing weight and keeping it off. We are particularly big proponents of gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy), which reduces stomach size and appetite.

Many patients who visit our practice have questions about the long-term effects of surgery and whether or not the weight loss lasts. Let's tackle these concerns right now.

How successful is gastric sleeve surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is extremely successful, and many patients experience a good amount of weight loss thanks to the procedure and the reduction in stomach size and appetite. Many patients have reported success thanks to gastric sleeve surgery that would not be achieved through other forms of surgical weight loss treatment.

Are the results of gastric sleeve long-term or short-term?

As studies are still coming in, current research has found that the results of gastric sleeve surgery have proven long-term. Five years after the surgery is performed, patients will have lost and kept off roughly 57.4% of excess body mass thanks to gastric sleeve surgery.

Some Weight Re-Gain Is Common

It should be noted that while gastric sleeve surgery is successful, patients will experience some level of weight re-gain as they get further out from surgery. This is a result of the body getting used to the smaller stomach size and adjusting metabolism slightly. With that in mind, a majority of the excess body mass that was lost can be kept off if patients continue to lead healthy lifestyles.

We previously covered a few tips for achieving and maintaining gastric sleeve/weight loss surgery success, but we'd like to restate them right now since they are an important part of maintaining a healthier body mass.

Eating Right Will Help Improve Results

Just because you've undergone a gastric sleeve doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want. It's important that you continue to eat right and to eat healthy, doing your best to eat a balanced diet that's nutritious. Note that you may have to take supplements or reconsider certain eating habits to account for some nutritional deficiencies. Speak with your doctor or a dietician if you need tips on what to eat or what supplements to take.

Exercise and Healthy Living Are Keys to Success

The surgery itself is just one step toward lasting weight loss. Long-term success is contingent on life-long changes to your lifestyle. That means exercising regularly to help burn off those excess calories and to keep that excess weight off for years ahead. A combination of stretching, strength training, and cardio are ideal to incorporate into your life for lasting health after surgery.

Having a Strong Support Network Is Important

You've got the diet down and you've got a good exercise regimen in place, but sometimes what you really need is emotional and moral support. Having friends and family behind your decision is crucial for long-term success. Counseling may also be helpful in addition to finding a support group of bariatric patients who can share their experiences with you.

By combining diet, exercise, and support, lasting weight loss through gastric sleeve surgery (or any bariatric procedure, really) is more likely.

Schedule a Consultation for Weight Loss Surgery

To learn more about the different ways you can maintain weight loss after you have undergone a gastric sleeve or any other kind of weight loss procedure, be sure to contact our center for bariatric surgery today.