Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Sleeve Surgery and the Risk of Blood Clots

Aug 22, 2014 @ 09:28 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Risks Blood Clots

One of the major reasons that patients trust the doctors of Tijuana Bariatrics is their commitment to patient education. We are always careful to go over all of the benefits and risks of each procedure he performs so that patients understand how gastric sleeve surgery can effectively promote safe andd rapid weight loss.

All surgeries entail some degree of risk, of course, and one such risk of surgery is blood clotting. We'd like to address this particular matter in this blog post.

Are blood clots a possibility after bariatric surgery?

There is a risk of blood clots occurring after any sort of bariatric surgery. After undergoing a surgery of any kind, for that matter, the body is prone to promote coagulation and possibly form clots as a response to the trauma to the body that is perceived as an injury.

The chance of blood clots may be higher if the patient is a smoker, ran a risk of blood clots prior to surgery, and was in poor health. Other factors come into play in this regard as well.

Why Blood Clots Need to Be Taken Seriously

When a blood clot occurs, this can lead to major problems with blood flow. This can lead to heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs), as well as other serious health problems. Even partial blockage of blood flow needs to be addressed as soon as possible to prevent serious health conditions from occurring later in life.

What Weight Loss Surgery Patients Can Do to Prevent Blood Clots

After gastric sleeve surgery or any sort of bariatric procedure, patients are encouraged to walk when they are able to. This promotes good circulation through the body and reduces the risks of blood clots forming. Since blood clots after surgery are likely to form in the legs, patients may be given surgical stockings to wear that help prevent the formation of clots.

In addition to walking to promote circulation and surgical stockings, patients may be given blood thinners to take after surgery. The use of blood thinning medication can be discussed in more detail during the consultation process.

How We Help Prevent Blood Clots After Weight Loss Surgery

When patients visit Tijuana Bariatrics, they are provided with accommodations at a fine hotel near the practice. By staying within the area for the next few days, our team is able to monitor the healing progress in that crucial early period following the gastric sleeve surgery. This means that we are able to respond to major complications and issues as soon as they arise. This proximity and careful attention means that patients are safe during the pre-op and early post-op phases of their surgery.

Staying Healthy Going Forward

While the risk of blood clots tends to be highest in the early days after bariatric surgery, the possibility of a blood clot forming may last for several days or even a few weeks. Note that the possibility is continually reduced the further out a patient is from the initial surgery date. Regardless, be sure to continue engaging in approved exercises and physical activity so that you can experience good circulation and promote better health in general.

Find Out More About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

For more information about gastric sleeve surgery and whether or not it's the ideal weight loss solution for you, we encourage you to contact our weight loss surgery center today.