Tijuana Bariatrics

Why Gastric Sleeve Is Safer than Other Bariatric Treatments

Jul 16, 2014 @ 10:46 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Surgery

Our doctors have helped countless patients lose weight through gastric sleeve surgery, a highly effective bariatric treatment option. So many patients have traveled to our practice in Tijuana in order to undergo this life-changing weight loss procedure. One reason why we have written about the gastric sleeve so much on this blog is because it's so safe and effective. Let's go over some reasons why the gastric sleeve is such a safe option for surgical weight loss.

About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Before discussing why gastric sleeve surgery is such a safe option, let's go into the basics of the procedure and how it works.

Gastric sleeve surgery involves the revision of the size of the stomach. This reduces the size of the current stomach pouch into a pouch that is roughly the size of a banana. By reducing the size of the stomach, patients become fuller faster, experience fewer and less extreme sensations of hunger, and consume fewer calories in the process. In combination, this all facilitates safe and rapid weight loss.

Gastric Sleeve Is Not as Invasive as Gastric Bypass

One reason that the gastric sleeve is so safe is that it is comparatively less invasive than some other procedures. This is especially true when compared to gastric bypass surgery. During a gastric bypass, stomach size is revised and part of the intestine is rerouted. This leads to the bypassing of part of the intestinal tract, reducing the amount of calories that are absorbed during digestion.

The gastric sleeve surgery only involves the revision of the stomach size and nothing else. This means a lower risk of complications due to the revision of the intestinal tract.

Gastric Sleeve Is Low Maintenance Compared to Gastric Banding

Another reason that gastric sleeve is so popular is that the surgery is low maintenance when compared to some other weight loss surgery procedures, particularly gastric banding. During gastric banding, a silicone band is placed around part of the stomach to reduce the stomach size. While this sounds ideal and minimally invasive, there are adjustment surgeries required when the band slips or comes loose. Several may be required for some patients.

By comparison, the gastric sleeve surgery revises the stomach size without the need for an additional procedure or any sort of follow-up adjustments. That means less hassle as well as lower chances of complications.

Our Doctos Check Patients Very Carefully

An added aspect to gastric sleeve safety is the amount of care we take take when treating patients.

After a gastric sleeve is performed, patients remain in the full-service hospital to have their vitals monitored. Our doctors will then carefully check the patient's revised stomach pouch three times in order to ensure no leakage and no complications. Patients are carefully looked after during every stage of treatment and have all of their rest and accommodation needs carefully considered in order to ensure the safest surgical care possible.

Gastric Sleeve Yields Comparable Weight Loss Results

Even though the gastric sleeve surgery is less invasive and lower maintenance, the safety does not have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the surgery. Many patients experience weight loss results that are comparable and sometimes better than other weight loss surgery procedures.

After reading the above, it should be evident why we believe so much in the gastric sleeve.

Learn More About Your Weight Loss Surgery Options

If you would like more information about gastric sleeve surgery can how it can be of great benefit to you and your needs, we encourage you to contact our weight loss surgery center today.