Tijuana Bariatrics

How to Control Discomfort After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

May 30, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Surgery

Great results are possible when patients undergo gastric sleeve surgery. The team at our bariatric surgery center will help ensure excellent results after the procedure, allowing patients to heal quickly and free from serious complications of any kind.

Right now, we would like to consider the nature of gastric sleeve surgery and the discomfort that patients face after they undergo the procedure. This will provide patients with realistic expectations of the procedure and what they can expect as they heal.

How common is discomfort after gastric sleeve surgery?

Discomfort and soreness are both common side effects that patients experience after any kind of surgery. Rest assured that this soreness and discomfort following sleeve gastrectomy does diminish in the days and weeks after surgery as part of the normal healing process.

Dealing with Early Post-Surgical Discomfort

It's important that patients get a lot of rest in those first few days after surgery. They will actually remain in the hospital for monitoring for a night or two after surgery simply given the nature of the procedure. This gives the body ample energy to heal in this crucial early period, and helps our team run various tests and checks to ensure the success of the surgery. Recommended pain medications should be taken as directed upon discharge from the hospital.

Making Your First Days of Recovery as Relaxing as Possible

Gastric sleeve surgery patients are provided with numerous amenities and comforts as they recover, which is one of the reasons that many patients from abroad visit us for care. After discharge from the hospital, a private driver will bring the patient to a nearby hotel, where the patient will rest before returning to the practice for a follow-up visit. Setting up a driver and accommodations is a way for us to reduce stress, allowing patients to relax and recover early on.

Slowly Return to Your Normal Activities After Surgery

Patients will be asked to take a few weeks off work, only returning when they are comfortable to do so given the nature of their job. Patients will also be asked to avoid exercise, heavy lifting, and various other physical activities for a few weeks after surgery, though limited and light walking is encouraged when possible early on following hospital discharge.

Slowly, patients will be able to return to their daily routines. Patients will actually be encouraged to exercise when they are fully recovered, which helps improve general health and also promotes better weight loss results going forward.

Adjusting to Your Diet to Prevent Discomfort

A common source of discomfort that many patients face early on is related to their diet. Introducing solid foods into your diet too fast or too soon can cause pain. The same can occur when patients overeat or consume certain kinds of foods. It's important to take things slowly with regard to your diet and adjusting to your new lifestyle.

Providing Tips on What to Eat and What Not to Eat

All patients who undergo a weight loss surgery at pour practice will receive detailed information on what to eat as the weeks progress after surgery, transition from a liquid diet, to a semi-solid diet, and eventually moving on to a return to solids. We will also make sure that patients know what foods to avoid, which helps patients prevent major issues down the line.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery

If you would like to learn more about about gastric sleeve surgery and how it can be of great benefit to you and your needs, be sure to contact our Tijuana and weight loss/bariatric surgery center today.