Tijuana Bariatrics

Bariatric Surgery: How to Prepare with Your Diet

Feb 10, 2020 @ 09:49 AM — by info
Tagged with: Bariatric Surgery

Once your candidacy for bariatric surgery at our state-of-the-art surgical center in Tijuana, Mexico, is established, you will be given dietary guidelines that will help you prepare for surgery. Following your surgery, the medial team of Tijuana Bariatrics will work with you to develop a dietary plan that allows you to enjoy a healthy recovery after bariatric surgery so you can reach your weight loss goals. Here, you can learn more about how you can prepare for bariatric surgery with your diet.

Why Do I Need a Special Diet before Surgery?

Your pre-operative diet plan will serve several functions:

Your dietary guidelines will be rich in nutrition and protein so you can recover quickly after surgery. A diet that is high in sugar and low in fat also allows you to enjoy significant weight loss ahead of surgery. It is important to remember that your diet will be restricted after your surgery as well. By learning how to follow dietary guidelines before your surgery, you will be one step closer to following similar guidelines after your surgery.

What Will My Diet Look Like?

The pre-op diet will consist of high-protein, low-calorie foods that are easily digestible. Protein protects muscle tissue and prepares your body for a healthy and speedy recovery. As you near the day of your surgery, your diet will become mostly liquid-based. Certain solid foods may be allowed, depending on factors like your health and weight. Your anesthesiologist should provide instructions on what you can and cannot have the day before surgery.

You will be given customized guidelines that should be followed in the days and weeks before surgery. Typical recommendations include:

Many of these dietary guidelines will help you lose weight after surgery. Learning how to maintain portion control and an awareness of sugar intake are key habits that will allow you to enjoy a thinner body within months of undergoing bariatric surgery. One of the keys to maintaining your weight loss is to become aware of unhealthy eating habits.

Schedule Your Bariatric Surgery Today

Following simple dietary guidelines can lower your risk of complications following surgery at our state-of-the-art bariatric surgery center. By undergoing treatment in Tijuana, Mexico, you can benefit from the expertise of our board-certified surgeon at much more affordable prices than in the United States. To schedule your bariatric consultation, contact our office online or call (877) 759-0739.