Tijuana Bariatrics

Following a Nutritious Diet after Mini Gastric Bypass

Oct 3, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by info
Tagged with: Mini Gastric Bypass

Mini gastric bypass significantly reduces the size of the stomach so that the body feels full faster, making it easier for severely overweight people to lose weight. Mini gastric bypass is similar to traditional gastric bypass, but it uses smaller incisions and results in a shorter recovery time for patients.

As patients recover from mini gastric bypass at Tijuana Bariatrics, they will need to adopt new eating habits. Our doctors teach our Tijuana, Mexico, patients about the proper mini gastric bypass diet so that they get the weight loss results they desire from surgery.

Eating in the Early Stages of Recovery

During the first two to three weeks of mini gastric bypass recovery, patients will only be consuming liquids or pureed foods. The new stomach is roughly the size of an egg initially, so patients will feel full very quickly. It is important that patients choose liquids or pureed foods that are low in fat and sugar, but high in protein. Good choices at this stage of recovery include:

Initially, patients will only be able to tolerate a few sips or bites of food at a time. It is important to eat slowly and stop eating when the body is full.

Introducing Solids

As recovery progresses, patients will be able to introduce solid foods. It is important that patients maintain a nutritious diet that will provide them with as many vitamins and nutrients as possible. Since the stomach will only be about a quarter of its previous size, it is vital that patients avoid “empty” calories that won’t provide fuel to the body.

When solids are first introduced, patients will need to take a few bites at a time to see how food is tolerated. It is best to stick to foods that are easily chewed, such as ground meat, scrambled egg whites, canned fruit, and soft-cooked vegetables.

Within a couple of months after the surgical procedure at our Tijuana practice, patients should be able to eat a pretty regular diet. Patients should be able to take in about 1,000 calories a day at this point, but it will be broken into several small meals throughout the day. Patients should maintain a balanced diet that contains dairy, meat (or a meat alternative), starch, fruits, and vegetables.

Long-term Diet Tips

Following mini gastric bypass, patients can expect to lose weight quickly. To keep the weight off, they will need to continue to maintain a healthy diet. These tips can help patients enjoy the results of mini gastric bypass long-term, while avoiding potential complications:

Contact Us

Mini gastric bypass encourages weight loss to improve a person’s overall health. If you would like to learn more about gastric bypass or the other weight loss procedures offered at Tijuana Bariatrics, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can also call (877) 233-9292 to schedule a personal consultation with one of our experienced doctors.