Tijuana Bariatrics

Medical Tourism for Bariatric vs. Using Health Insurance in the US

Oct 28, 2017 @ 02:35 PM — by info
Tagged with: Medical Tourism Bariatric Surgery Insurance

The team at Tijuana Bariatrics has helped countless people in need of weight loss surgery. Thanks to bariatric surgery procedures such as gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, obese and morbidly obese patients can lose weight and lead healthier lives. This means improved life expectancy as well as an enhanced quality of life.

Undergoing bariatric surgery is a major decision given the cost of the procedure. A number of people wonder if they can save more money by traveling for their bariatric surgery or if they should simply rely on their current medical insurance/health coverage. Let's compare insurance company coverage of bariatric surgery to medical tourism so you can understand some of the advantages and disadvantages.

Will My Health Insurance Cover Bariatric Surgery?

Unfortunately, the answer to this is maybe.

Insurance providers and their policies can differ a great deal, meaning that some insurance providers may cover weight loss surgery while others may not provide any coverage at all. Additionally, the type of weight loss procedure may determine whether or not you will receive any coverage for your bariatric procedure. Sometimes an insurance provider will deny coverage for certain surgeries, particularly gastric sleeves, mini-gastric bypasses, and duodenal switch procedures.

How Much Will My Insurance Cover?

The uncertainty regarding health insurance continues with regard to the amount of coverage provided. Again, providers and policies differ, meaning that you may receive less coverage or no coverage at all when it comes to bariatric procedures.

Other Downsides of Insurance Covering Bariatric Surgery

Even if your insurance company covers weight loss surgery and the procedure you wish to undergo, there is still a chance that you will be denied coverage. Many insurance companies require you to have documentation from doctors regarding your health and the benefits of undergoing bariatric surgery given your current condition.

Being denied coverage can be especially frustrating given the amount of time it can take to get all the necessary documentation and then hear back from your insurance provider. Contesting the denial of coverage just leads to more delays when it comes to improving your health and general wellness.

About Medical Tourism

Medical tourism refers to traveling to a different country in order to undergo medical or dental procedures. This is very common for both elective surgery as well as medically necessary procedures. Since our practice is conveniently located in Tijuana, we receive quite a few patients from San Diego and Southern California looking for affordable weight loss surgery.

How Much Money Can I Save?

The amount of saving from medical tourism can vary depending on where you're from and the type of surgery you wish to undergo. In general, however, patients at Tijuana Bariatrics generally save hundreds if not thousands of dollars simply through coming to our practice. This can sometimes be more than their medical insurance will cover.

Since our facilities are state-of-the-art and offer advanced care and amenities, patients receive a high level of care comparable to the medical treatment offered by facilities in the United States.

Is Medical Tourism Better Than Relying on Insurance?

The answer varies from patient to patient. Given the convenience and quality of the care we provide, however, we feel that medical tourism for bariatric surgery offers so many advantages in terms of the savings and the long-term health benefits.

We'd be more than happy to discuss the costs and your other concerns by email, over the phone, or in person. You will be able to get a better understanding of what we have to offer and how bariatric surgery can change your life for the better.

Contact Tijuana Bariatrics

If you would like more information about bariatric surgery and how it can help you achieve better health and a slimmer frame, be sure to contact the weight loss surgery experts of Tijuana Bariatrics today. Our team will help you fight morbid obesity through advanced surgical techniques.