Tijuana Bariatrics

Factors that Adversely Affect the Success of Bariatric Surgery

Sep 29, 2017 @ 02:45 PM — by info
Tagged with: Bariatric Surgery

When it comes to bariatric procedures, there are many factors that can increase your chances of successful weight loss and improved long-term health. Of course, there are also a number of factors that can have a negative impact on bariatric surgery success. Here at Tijuana Bariatrics, we emphasize what patients can do to maximize positive outcomes while noting actions patients can avoid to prevent unsuccessful treatment.

With this in mind, we want to look at some of the things that can lead to bariatric surgery failure. We'll offer some advice on how to address these issues as well.

Poor Post-Operative Care

After undergoing bariatric surgery, we provide patients with detailed instructions for post-operative care. This includes instructions on dressing incision sites, dietary changes for the first month to six weeks, and recommendations for physical activity after surgery. Failure to follow these instructions makes complications in the early weeks of healing much more likely. Be sure to follow your post-operative instructions to the letter.

Use of Tobacco Products

Tobacco products can lead to a number of health problems, including lung disease, heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. If you use tobacco products while healing from a surgical procedure, you increase the risk of infection and poor wound healing. For short-term success and long-term wellness, consider kicking this habit for good.

Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

Like tobacco products, alcohol has a negative impact on your ability to heal. Drinking alcohol after you've healed from bariatric surgery can lead to severe health issues as well. Avoid alcohol while you are recovering from surgery, and continue to abstain from alcohol as much as possible once you've fully healed.

Poor Dietary Habits After Surgery

Even though you will consumer fewer calories or absorb fewer calories during meals, it's important that you watch what you eat and do your best to make smart, healthy choices. Look for lean meals rather than going for sweets and sugary foods. Whenever you hydrate, go with water rather than juice to avoid empty calories.

The Patient's Psychological Relationship with Food

People can have a complex relationship with food, seeking comfort in food during moments of stress and depression. After bariatric surgery, this relationship changes, and it can be difficult for patients to cope with this change. Working with a therapist may be the key to changing your relationship with food and ensuring your surgery is successful for years to come.

Not Exercising Regularly

Bariatric surgery is not just about limiting calories. It's also about patients making a series of healthy lifestyle choices that help them lose weight and keep it off. If patients do not exercise regularly after bariatric surgery, they are more likely to experience problems with keeping weight off for the years ahead. Be sure to discuss exercise options with your bariatric surgeon and your general practitioner. Regular physical activity can make all the difference.

Contact Tijuana Bariatrics

For more information about weight loss surgery and whether or not it's a good option for you and your needs, it's important that you contact an experienced bariatric surgeon today. We will help you make smart choices to assist with long-term weight loss and improved general wellness.