Tijuana Bariatrics

Caring for Your Incision After Bariatric Surgery

Sep 24, 2017 @ 12:30 PM — by info
Tagged with: Bariatric Surgery

Obesity and morbid obesity lead to serious health risks and impacts to wellness. That may explain why so many people are undergoing bariatric surgery these days. These surgical procedures are a sure way to promote healthy and safe weight loss. The team at Tijuana Bariatrics can recommend an ideal surgery for your needs and help you lead a much healthier life in the process.

No matter what surgery you undergo, proper care of your incisions is a key part of healing. Let's cover the issue of wound care and offer some basic tips for post-op recovery.

Take Time Off From Work and Focus on Rest

When it comes to proper healing from surgery, it's of the utmost importance that patients take time off from work so they can focus on resting and full recovery. By avoiding work, patients avoid unnecessary strain, which leads to more ideal conditions for healing and recovery. The exact amount of time you need off can vary depending on the nature of your surgery and your normal job duties.

Keep Your Hands Clean

Whenever you do anything that involves surgical dressings or directly touching/handling your incision(s), be sure to clean your hands. Use soap and warm water followed by the use of a hand sanitizer to remove unwanted substances from the hands and to keep your hands totally free from bacteria.

Carefully Remove Old Surgical Dressings

Old surgical dressings around incision sites may take a bit of effort to remove because of dried blood. When removing these old dressings, you must do so gently and slowly to prevent reopening wounds and causing irritation. Follow your surgeon's instructions carefully when it comes to these matters.

Clean the Wound as Instructed

Once the dressing are removed, you will need to clean the incision site(s) as directed to help keep the area sanitary. This may involve the use of a saline solution or soap and water. You'll have instructions on the proper cleaning that need to be followed. Once the incision site is cleaned off, it can be patted dry with a clean towel.

Be Careful When You Redress the Wound

When you redress the wound, be sure to be careful placing new dressings. Do not place any unapproved products or items on the wound (e.g., lotions) as these can increase the risk of infection and other complications. After redressing the wound, be sure to clean your hands again just to be on the safe side.

Avoid Smoking and Alcoholic Beverages

Smoking and alcohol consumption can boost your risk of infection and poor wound healing. It's important that you refrain from both these activities for a few weeks to prevent complications.

Avoid Swimming Pools and Strenuous Physical Activity

Swimming pools, hot tubs, and saunas are hotbeds for bacteria. Be sure to avoid these places for a few weeks as you recover just to be on the safe side. You should similarly avoid strenuous physical activities in order to prevent aggravating the incision sites.

Be Mindful of Signs of Infection

Infection is a risk after any sort of surgery, so it's important to note irritation, pain, excessive redness, or alarming discharge from surgical sites. Bring these to the attention of your surgeon as soon as possible so any potential complications can be addressed right away.

Contact Tijuana Bariatrics

For more information about healing after bariatric surgery and what it entails, it's important that you contact an experienced bariatric surgeon today. We will work closely with you and help you get the treatment you need to experience total wellness.