Tijuana Bariatrics

Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve (SILS) Recovery

Jul 12, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by info
Tagged with: Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve Bariatric Surgery

At Tijuana Bariatric Center, we are pleased to offer state-of-the-art single incision laparoscopic sleeve (SILS) surgery as an option to our valued patients. This minimally invasive bariatric surgery technique minimizes the risk of complications while making the recovery process more efficient and comfortable. By performing an entire bariatric procedure through a small incision made in the belly button, the bariatric surgeon is able to accomplish what requires four to five incisions in the abdomen with traditional laparoscopic surgery. The technique can be paired with several bariatric procedures, but is particularly effective when paired with restrictive gastric sleeve surgery.

In discussing single incision laparoscopic sleeve recovery during consultations at our Tijuana, Mexico bariatric surgery practice, our team explains that, while the technique does result in a shorter, more comfortable recovery, patients must still follow all of his post-surgical instructions to the absolute letter to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Are you a good candidate for single incision laparoscopic sleeve surgery? To find out, we encourage you to schedule your initial consultation with the weight loss surgery experts at Tijuana Bariatric Center today.

The SILS Recovery Timeline

On the day of your surgery, you will probably experience general soreness in the abdominal region along with some discomfort at the incision site. However, this discomfort will be minor, especially compared to that associated with more invasive techniques necessitating longer incisions. Pain medication should help to take the edge off of your discomfort.

By the following day, you will likely still be sore; however, you will be encouraged to do some light walking, though you will mostly be resting. You may or may not have an appetite at this point, but you will definitely be thirsty. Don’t overindulge, but you can drink clear liquids. Our network of specialists will provide you with a diet, which you should follow diligently.

By the second and third day after surgery, people who undergo traditional laparoscopic surgery are generally feeling their greatest level of discomfort at their incision sites. You may feel a fair amount of discomfort, as well, but mostly because you will be doing a bit more walking at this point, punctuated by plenty of rest. You will likely get tired easily, especially because you won’t be able to eat much.

By the end of the first week, you should feel very little pain. Any discomfort you do experience should be easily controlled with medication. Movement may still be somewhat difficult; however, compared to patients who undergo more invasive surgery, your range of motion should be considerably better. You will be encouraged to do as much light walking as you can tolerate by this time and may be cleared to return to work. Your energy levels may still be fairly low but should start to replenish as you adjust to your new diet.

As the months pass, your discomfort will subside entirely, and you will begin to lose substantial weight.

Learn More about Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve Recovery

To learn more about single incision laparoscopic sleeve recovery, please contact Tijuana Bariatric Center today.