Tijuana Bariatrics

Who Is a Good Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Nov 29, 2016 @ 11:00 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Bypass

Here at Tijuana Bariatrics, we are pleased to offer gastric bypass surgery and other methods of surgical weight loss. Gastric bypass surgery is a combined restrictive and malabsorptive form of weight loss surgery. By that we mean the procedure reduces the amount of calories consumed in a single sitting as well as the calories absorbed during digestion. This is achieved by sectioning the stomach and re-routing part of the small intestine.

Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most well-known and popular options for surgical weight loss, which is why many patients seek out the gastric bypass specifically. Yet there are a number of considerations for candidacy. Let's take a moment to consider who is a candidate for this bariatric procedure.

General Candidacy for Gastric Bypass Surgery

In general, ideal candidates for gastric bypass surgery are people who are obese or morbidly obese who need to lose weight safely and rapidly in order to avoid major health problems related to obesity. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from any medical conditions that would make the procedure unnecessarily risky.

Considering Body Mass Index (BMI)

A person's BMI is important to consider when it comes to any sort of weight loss surgery. In general, gastric bypass surgery is a good idea when a person has a body mass of 40 or greater. When patients have a BMI of 35 to 39.9, gastric bypass surgery may be recommended if there are additional health matters that put their lives at risk (more on that in a bit).

Difficulty Losing Weight by Natural Means

In addition to having a high BMI, patients are good candidates for gastric bypass surgery when they have struggled with losing weight by natural means for a year. This means that they are unable to lose a considerable amount of weight and keep it off through diet and exercise alone.

Obesity-Related Health Problems

The presence of obesity-related health conditions can also make a person a good candidate for gastric bypass surgery. By this we mean problems with diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea, as well as increased risk of developing heart disease, cancer, joint problems, and so forth. Surgical weight loss can be key to avoiding all of these problems.

Realistic Expectations About Surgery and Lifestyle Changes

Above all, it's important that prospective gastric bypass patients have realistic expectations about the nature of the surgery, the recovery process, and what it involves. Major lifestyle and dietary changes are necessary after a gastric bypass in order to ensure the weight loss lasts, including increased activity level and restrictions on certain foods and beverages in one's diet.

These can all be discussed in greater detail during the consultation process. In addition, we can go over alternative weight loss surgery procedures, such as gastric banding or sleeve gastrectomy, both of which involve different means of promoting weight loss.

Learn More About Weight Loss Surgery

If you would like more information about bariatric surgery and how it can help you look your absolute best, be sure to contact our weight loss surgery experts today. The team at Tijuana Bariatrics will be here to provide you with ample information about your surgery options.