Tijuana Bariatrics

The Importance of Following the Gastric Bypass Surgery Diet

Oct 21, 2016 @ 09:48 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Bypass Bariatric Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is a bariatric procedure designed to alter the digestive system and help those who struggle with weight loss achieve their health and fitness goals. Steps taken during gastric bypass surgery recovery can help ensure successful results while also reducing the risks of complications. One of the most important things you can do during your recovery after gastric bypass surgery is follow a proper diet plan. To learn more about the gastric bypass surgery diet, schedule a consultation with Tijuana, BC surgeons.

The Importance of Following a Diet Plan after Gastric Bypass Surgery

After gastric bypass surgery, it is important for patients to follow a diet plan as prescribed by their doctor or registered dietitian. Following a gastric bypass diet can help ensure safe weight loss and better results. The gastric bypass diet also allows the stomach to heal by preventing overstretching of the stomach and helping patients become accustomed to eating smaller portions to accommodate a smaller stomach. Closely following the gastric bypass diet after surgery can also help reduce the risk of complications and encourage a healthy recovery.

The Gastric Bypass Surgery Diet

Patients will be given detailed instructions on what to eat after gastric bypass surgery to ensure the success of treatment. In general, patients should keep meals small (about half a cup to a cup of food), eat slowly, and choose foods high in protein and low in fat and sugar. Each diet will vary based on patient needs, but a typical gastric bypass diet plan will look like this:

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

In most cases, the stomach will be fully recovered about three to four months after surgery. Once recovered, patients may begin to eat a normal healthy diet. Maintaining a healthy, low fat diet is essential to losing weight and keeping weight off after gastric bypass surgery. Limiting sugars and carbohydrates, like breads, pastas, and starchy vegetables, while eating a balanced diet of lean meats, leafy vegetables, and fresh fruit can help ensure weight loss success and improved health.

Is Gastric Bypass Right for You?

Gastric bypass surgery is highly effective at helping those who suffer from obesity shed unwanted weight and live a healthier lifestyle. If you've struggled with weight loss and are ready to reclaim your life, gastric bypass may be right for you. To find out more about gastric bypass, or other weight loss procedures, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with our doctors.