Meet Dr. Victor Cabrera

Patient safety is always the highest priority during any surgical procedure. As a cardiovascular anesthesiologist within the Tijuana Bariatrics Preferred Provider Network, Dr. Victor Cabrera has helped many bariatric surgery patients undergo the safest possible experience both during and after treatment. In order to best serve patients receiving care in Tijuana, Mexico, Dr. Cabrera combines in-depth training in the safe administration of anesthesia with a genuine concern for each individual's well-being. 

Video: About Dr. Cabrera

Dr. Cabrera can minimize patients' discomfort during and after treatment.

Dr. Cabrera's Role in Your Procedure

Dr. Cabrera is both a general and cardiovascular anesthesiologist. This means that he is primarily responsible for monitoring your vital signs and regulating your organ systems during surgery. However, he is also heavily involved in the planning process. Dr. Cabrera works carefully to ensure that the correct medications and dosages are utilized during the procedure and that post-operative pain is appropriately managed based on your unique circumstances.

Monitoring Your Health during Surgery

The doctor will begin by assessing certain factors, including:

  • Your current health status 
  • Medical history
  • Current medications
  • Allergies

Even the smallest details are important during the administration of anesthesia in bariatric surgery. From the positioning of the equipment to how the medications are delivered, everything should be tailored to your needs. Dr. Cabrera will consistently evaluate and adjust your anesthesia, as needed, throughout the procedure. 

Managing Post-Surgical Discomfort

 After your surgery, Dr. Cabrera will monitor your recovery. This includes your:

  • Breathing
  • Circulation
  • Oxygen levels
  • Level of consciousness

Based on your post-surgical state, Dr. Carbera can help determine when it is safe for you to leave the hospital. He can also determine what interventions are necessary to help you stay comfortable and avoid complications. His role is critical to your safety both during and after surgery. 

Specialized Training 

Dr. Cabrera attended the Texas Heart Institute. This renowned establishment has been at the forefront of developing educational programs and research in cardiovascular medicine.

Dr. Cabrera combines in-depth training in the safe administration of anesthesia with a genuine concern for each patient's well-being. 

A specialization in cardiovascular anesthesiology provides Dr. Cabrera with specific knowledge that he can apply to the unique needs of bariatric surgery patients. As obesity directly affects certain functions within the body, his understanding of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is especially beneficial.

 A Patient-Centric Approach 

Dr. Cabrera holds a significant role in your weight-loss treatment, so he strives to form a close relationship with each patient. He will always treat you with dignity and respect, and believes that trust is an essential component of quality care. Dr. Cabrera understands the magnitude of your decision to undergo surgery and takes great pride in helping to create a positive treatment experience. 

Prioritizing Your Safety

Over the last decade, Dr. Cabrera has been a critical member of the team that has helped many patients change their lives. He is committed to providing safe, reliable anesthesia for a comfortable procedure and recovery. Contact Tijuana Bariatrics to learn more about how anesthesia is used during treatment or begin coordinating your surgery. 

Florence Hospital

Tijuana Bariatrics

The network of physicians coordinating with Tijuana Bariatrics performs a wide range of services, including bariatric surgery. By choosing Tijuana Bariatrics, you can experience safe care from a board-certified surgeon in luxury accommodations.

For more information, fill out this online form or call (800) 308-3607 today.

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